Thursday, September 16, 2010

Intensive Purposes

Summer, for all intensive purposes is over….Ok so my more refined/educated counterparts know the correct saying is “intents and purposes,” but “intensive purposes” sounds much cooler. Who cares that the phrase “intensive purposes,” doesn’t make sense? I only realized I’d been saying it incorrectly a few months ago. My husband’s very good friend took great pleasure in correcting his wife and me. I guess it’s kind of like “chest of drawers,” (I say, “chester drawers”) or “nip it in the bud,” (I say “butt”-- don’t know if I was envisioning a cigarette butt or an actual kick in the butt). I am wrong in both cases, but blame it on my Eastern North Carolina upbringing. Anyhoo – Summer is over, and although I can’t say good riddance, I am looking forward to Fall, the cooler temps, corduroys, boots and football games – well let’s be honest…maybe not the actual game, rather the tailgating, pimento cheese, ham biscuits and bloody marys. With the onset of Fall, I will return to VIC special shopping, blogging and weekly meal planning. My shopping habits – at Harris Teeter and elsewhere – have surely taken a turn for the worse. But beginning this weekend I’m back…So long Summer and my excuse not to cook! In the meantime, here’s a recap of our past few months...

making cupcakes...

eating them...

spending some time at the beach...

relaxing and reflecting... and enjoying the view...

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